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报告人:苏众庆 教授(香港理工大学)                  

时间2023.05.17(星期三) 08:50-11:00am     



题目Recent Advances in Ultrasonic Characterization: Optoacoustic Implementation, Topological Manipulation of Waves and New Application Prospects

报告摘要:The past decade has witnessed remarkable advances in ultrasonics-driven material characterization and nondestructive evaluation. This talk recaps some recent progress in quantitative material characterization using high-frequency ultrasonic waves and nondestructive evaluation of small-scale damage (with dimensions smaller than 1/10 of the probing wavelength), in our Hong Kong-based research group. In particular, a new optoacoustic evaluation approach will be introduced, in which a multiphysics model is established to interpret the interaction between the optical and ultrafast optoacoustic waves and gives rise to the perturbation to optical polarization by optoacoustic waves. The experiment is conducted to validate the proposed approach, and results affirm the detectability of the approach when used for inspection of submillimeter defects, and the measurement selectivity of optoacoustic waves with frequencies up to the megahertz. To boost wave propagation and manipulate the propagation following desired pattern, photonic topological insulators are designed, to realize multi-band PTIs in elastic plate structures with engineered micro-perforations, without relying on complex surface-mounted or embedded scatters. This topological manipulation of waves presents good manufacturability of plate waves in multiple frequency bands. In addition, ongoing research on acoustic particle trapping and microfluidic device development for medical applications will also be briefed in the talk.

嘉宾简介苏众庆现为香港理工大学机械工程学系智慧结构与系统讲席教授、系主任、及教育部讲座教授,自2019年起出任Elsevier旗下Ultrasonics期刊主编 (Editor-in-Chief)。现任香港力学学会副会长。于437ccm·必赢国际获得航空学学士及硕士学位,继而在悉尼大学航空、机械与机电工程学院获得博士学位。研究方向主要涵盖超声波学、结构健康监测、弹性波传导、传感器、无损检测、智能材料与复合材料。除出任Ultrasonics期刊主编外,目前或曾经担任9个该领域主要期刊的副主编,包括Journal of Sound and Vibration Structural Health Monitoring: An International Journal等。担任多个国际会议的主席,包括2018年在香港第七届亚太国际健康监测技术大会、2023年在美国SPIE Conference on Sensors & Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical & Aerospace Systems2024年将于美国举行的SPIE Conference on Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems2022年当选International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV)之杰出会士。荣获2012结构健康监测-年度成就奖2015年欧盟科技创新奖(一等奖)、以及20152020年两次教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖。在香港理工大学,获得校长特设卓越成就奖(研究类)工程学院优秀教学奖工程学院卓越研究成就奖及三次工程学院优秀科研基金申请表现奖

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